Dallas: Gathering for the departed
Dallas: Gathering for the Dead is a graphic novel published in ten episodes between 2011 and 2013 by Silent Nemesis.
Written by television author Bryan J. Kinnaird, it has 10 episodes drawn by several artists: Monica Delgado, Graven Ravenwolf, Elisa Féliz, Juan Arevalo, Greg Forry, Derek Chase, Roy Prince and Erica Roche.
Published in English, this graphic novel is offered to you here exclusively in French, with the kind permission of the publisher Silent Nemesis Workshop. The translation is provided by yours truly…

The story takes place approximately 10 years after the TV movie The Ewing War and shortly before the series Dallas Next Generation, although elements of this comic are not considered ‘canon’.
Canon: This term refers to elements of a story that are official, as opposed to elements that are not. This term is mainly used for very extensive fictional universes such as Star Wars or Star Trek for example: Thus, in addition to films and series which are considered ‘canon’, numerous publications, novels, short stories, graphic novels, constitute what we call the extended universe. If elements of this extended universe are included in a film, they become canon. Otherwise they are considered out of canon and not recognized by fans. In Dallas there isn’t really an extended universe outside of this comic strip and a few fanfictions that have been popping up on the Internet since 2015.

Hellbox is in fact the autobiography of Sean Delanay, who was, among other things, the producer of the group Kiss .
In case you missed it, there is a nice reference to the group Kiss in one of the first episodes of Knots Landing.
Courtesy of the publisher Silent Nemesis Workshop© , which you can find on Facebook . Silent Nemesis Workshop notably publishes comics (American comics) such as THE VILLIKON CHRONICLES as well as the controversial HELLBOX.

Dallas Gathering for the departed épisode 1 & 2